Tauranga OMS uses a range of sedation and anaesthetic options to reduce anxiety and keep you comfortable during all procedures. Both Abi, John and David have a strong interest in advanced intravenous sedation. Sedation offers a pleasant detachment from the procedure. Local anaesthetic is also administered after the induction of sedation to ensure the procedure is pain free.
During your initial consultation one of our surgeons will discuss the available options to you.
Local anaesthetic
Localised areas are made numb and pain free with an injection. Simple and small proceedures can be undertaken with this technique much like a dentist uses it. The numbness usually wears off after a few hours.
Most people who have local anaesthetic only can drive themselves to and from their procedure. This means a support person is not required and the time spent in our recovery room is generally shorter.
Sedative drugs relieve anxiety and cause temporary relaxation, but they still allow you to remain conscious and breathe for yourself. Sedatives are often used to help people relax during medical procedures. People often fall asleep while sedated and you will remember very little about the treatment done under sedation.
Sedative drugs don't block the pain signals to the brain, so local or regional anaesthetic is often given as well. Sedation can be swallowed in tablet or liquid form or injected into a vein in your arm via a cannula. The type and dose of sedation given depends on the procedure and how anxious you are about it.
When choosing sedation you will be given specific instructions to follow. It is important that these are adhered to. If these instructions are not followed, your surgery may be cancelled or postponed and you may be charged.

- Do not have anything to eat for six hours prior to the appointment. You may drink water only up to two hours prior to your appointment. If these instructions are not followed your surgery will most likely be cancelled or postponed.
- Please wear loose fitting clothing with sleeves which can be rolled up past the elbow, this allows ease of access for monitoring equipment. .
- Do not wear lipstick, excessive makeup, or nail polish on the day of surgery as this interferes with our monitoring equipment.
- Please inform our staff of any medications you are currently taking, especially sleeping medications or steroid treatments as these may interact with the medications used during sedation. Avoid using recreational drugs, party pills or alcohol for the day prior to your appointment.
- A responsible adult must be available to escort the patient home by car or taxi. This person must ensure you are not left alone for four hours following the procedure.
- The patient should not drive a vehicle, operate any machinery or undertake important decisions for 24 hours following the sedation.
- If you have an illness such as a cold, sore throat, stomach or bowel upset, please notify our reception.
As well as our surgeons, we have an exceptional team of registered nurses to help care for you throughout your surgery. Two nurses are present in the surgery throughout the treatment. One of these nurses will follow the patient through to our recovery room for personalised care and post operative instructions. All of the nurses hold current high level training with the NZ Resuscitation Council.
Your bodies vital signs and depth of sedation will be closely monitored at all times. Sensors will be added to your finger, forhead and a blood pressure cuff is palced on your forearm.
After the sedation you will walk from the operating theatre to recovery with the assistance of our nursing staff.
All patients are discharged by one of our registered nurses once they are well enough to travel home. All patients have their after-care plan discussed, preferably with their support person in attendance.
Follow up appointments are arranged before discharge and any prescribed medication is given with instructions.
Sedated patients are discharged directly from the recovery room into the car of their support person parked at the rear of the building. Specific car parks are allocated for the collection of surgical patients.
The effects of the sedative may last longer than you expect. Do not drive, drink alcohol, operate machinery or sign legal documents until your doctor tells you that it is safe to do so. This will be at least 24 hours after the treatment. This is why it is essential you have arranged for someone to drive you home.
If you have children or other dependents, you may need to arrange for someone to care for them during this time. If you are in any doubt about driving, please contact your motor insurers so that you are aware of their recommendations and always follow your doctor's advice.
See “Post op instructions page for further info”
Please note: We do not offer general anesthesia at our rooms. Any surgery requiring general anesthesia is carried out by our surgeons at the public and private hospitals in Tauranga.
Deciding to have Local Anaesthesia or Sedation
Local anaesthesia and sedation are commonly performed and generally safe procedures. In many cases there are clear advantages over general anaesthesia, such as speed of recovery, lower risk of complications and cost.
In order to make an informed decision and give your consent, you need to be aware of the possible side-effects and the risk of complications.
The best choice will differ for every person. If you have any questions please discuss them with your surgeon.